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Canadian Government Wants Us To Stop Consuming Red Meat To Save The Environment

Who else thinks this is absolutely ridiculous?

I heard in environment class in college, that cow farts release CO2 emissions, that's sometimes why people eat plant based for environmental reasons. But what are we feeding cows that make them fart? Probably the wrong stuff.

Remember back in the early 2000s when MAD Cow Disease was a thing in the USA?

Farmers were feeding their cows scraps of other butchered cows, causing neurological issues in cows because the farmers were literally forcing them into being cannibals. This was all to save on feed ~ follow the money.

Conventionally raised beef now uses a lot more extra machinery, technology, hormones, antibiotics, medications, etc.

Think about how cows naturally intended to live. Cows are meant to graze. They aren't meant to be locked in cages and milked from electric pump. Mind you the steel that is required to keep cows isolated, are created by polluting the air.

But what are governments now trying to shove down the public's throat?

That grass fed meats actually cause more CO2 emissions.... the NIH. says its 0.3 more CO2 per lb of beef.

If cows really grazed like they were meant to their pasture would also have trees around them. We know that CO2 is crucial for photosynthesis, and turning that into oxygen for us to breathe. This is 3rd grade science, if you missed it, there's a great Magic School Bus episode that breaks down photosynthesis if you need a refresher!

If cows are naturally meant to graze why are we afraid that nature doesn't know how to redistribute that CO2 for oxygen?

The government wants us to continue consuming loads of chemically processed, synthetically raised meats. Not to mention the amount of meat that generic food guides tell us we should eat.

The average American will eat 276 lbs of meat every year, I will assume Canada's stats are similar. Brake then number down, and that's 1/4 lb of meat at every meal.

Definitely more than the average person requires...

What I'm about to tell you should really be alarming because of how much more this affects our environment than the raising of beef.

Big grocery store chains in Canada import their grass fed beef from the other side of the world.

To be specific, its imported from Australia, not to mention, if you want a clean whey protein powder it's generally from New Zealand.

Now to help you understand how problematic it is for our environment, if you go online and calculate how much CO2 emissions can come from a direct from from Australia to Toronto as an example is about 4.22 tons of CO2 emissions.

It makes you really question our country. Not only is the government giving almost 0 support to natural farming practices, but they're buying into other countries to get product. So not only is the government to blame for "climate change", but they're also to be blamed for ruining our economy by not supporting our local farmers who choose to raise their cattle naturally.

They know conventionally raised meats are extremely harmful, to our health in the matter of hormones in the meat, carcinogens, and antibiotics they pump the meat with so the time to raise them is condensed.

I highly recommend sourcing meats from local farmers.

There's also some businesses you can order locally directly to your door.

Such as:

And if you'd like to go in store shopping for local meats try:

The Healthy Butcher

I'll start listening to the government about climate change when they stop being hypocrites by taking their private jets to climate summits.

My best piece of advice being in a generation of 0 accountability & loads of hypocrisy? Question and independently research everything that has a commercial & that the government suggests/recommends.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk!



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