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DIY Detox Face Mask

Constant breakouts are hella annoying!

Especially maskne many of you may be experiencing doesn't help.

Ya'll know by now that I am all about keeping everything simple and effective without throwing away money.

Many products we buy are overpriced, full of harmful chemicals, disrupt our bodies internally, and a lot of the time...DON'T WORK.

Don't worry, I got you covered!

This detox mask costs less than a dollar to make (per use).

This mask effectively removes toxins from within the skin AND is 100% natural.


1 tbsp Bentonite Clay

1 tbsp Activated Charcoal Powder

1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix bentonite clay & activated charcoal in a small dish, add apple cider vinegar and stir. Add a little more apple cider vinegar (as needed) until the powder turns into a clay paste.

Apply on a clean face make sure you avoid the eyes. Leave it on your face until dry & remove with warm, damp cloth.

You may feel a tingling sensation, but DON'T worry! The apple cider vinegar is increasing blood flow to the face so that the bentonite clay and activated charcoal con effectively pull out toxins.


You will see your skin get worse (for a day or 2 after you do the mask), until it gets better. Your skin is releasing toxins, so let it do it's thing and try not to pick at your face!


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