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Gluten free pizza

It's SO simple making healthy versions of our favourite dishes!

Also, when healthy recipes don't taste good, it's not the food's fault, it's the person who made it! haha!

My point is, healthy food tastes good you just have to make the right substitutions so it tastes the same as the not-as-healthy version.

This recipe is gluten free AND yeast free ~ substitutions may make this vegan.

For many, gluten causes irritation in the gut leading to allergies, acne, inflammation, weight gain, imbalances in blood sugar, and so much more!

Knowing this, if it can taste the same without the gluten, then why not make it gluten free? Am I right?

Here's what you'll need:

2 1/2 c. gluten free all purpose flour (I used Cup4Cup)

3 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. himalayan salt

1 c. water

1 tbsp. melted coconut oil

1/4 c. marinara sauce

1 c. grated organic mozzarella cheese

1 c. organic sliced mushrooms (or anything you have)

oregano powder

garlic powder


1. In a bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, & himalayan salt.

2. In another bowl combine the water and coconut oil ~ this won't fully mix.

3. SLOWLY add liquids in with the dry ingredients until the it forms a dough ~ you may not need add all of the liquid in!

4. Kneed the dough into your desired pizza shape (or make some little ones!) and place on a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

5. Add the marinara onto the dough but make sure to leave 2cm from edge for the crust.

6. Sprinkle the oregano and garlic powder over the marinara to desired taste!

7. Spread the cheese to cover marinara sauce.

8. Place sliced mushrooms on the pizza.

9. Stick the pizza in the oven for 20mins at 400.

10. Slice & enjoy!

It should look something like this...


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