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Gut healing stuffing

Gut healing stuffing YES! I know, this is what dreams are made of right?

(shoutout to you if you catch that reference!)

How can something containing gluten be healthy? Let alone be good for your gut health?!

1. Sprouted bread has higher nutrient content and less lectins (lectins are what normally cause reactions in people) so its easier for the body to break down.

I don't do a lot of bread normally, but if I do have it I try to get sprouted.

And hey, if you can't do gluten, please use gluten free bread instead cause that will be better your gut health as an individual.

2. Bone broth has so many gut healing nutrients such as L-glutamine & collagen as well as many other important nutrients & minerals to heal the gut lining and maintain its integrity.

Ok so now that you agree that stuffing can be good for the gut, here's the recipe!


1 small onion

4 celery stalks

1/2 loaf sprouted bread

1 c. bone broth (I used Organika chicken bone broth)

2 tbsp fresh parsley & thyme

1/2 tbsp poultry seasoning

salt, pepper, garlic powder to taste

high heat cooking oil such as avocado/coconut oil


1. In a pan, add a little bit of oil, add cubed celery, cubed onion, & poultry seasoning.

2. Sauté until lightly softened (not too brown)

3. In large bowl throw in your cubed 1/2 loaf of bread; add in the sautéed ingredients, add the chopped parsley, thyme, salt, pepper, and garlic powder; toss everything together.

4. Carefully add in the bone broth to the contents of the bowl (MAKE SURE IT'S NOT SOGGY); toss.

5. Line the baking dish with some oil so nothing sticks.

6. Transfer the contents of the bowl into the baking dish & cover (if you dont have a lid, tin foil will do).

7. Bake at 350 for 15-20mins.

8. Remove the lid and put it back in the oven for another 5-10mins.



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