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Holistic Hair Care

Even though I'm in remission from liver disease, I still have to be extra mindful about what goes into my body.

But did you know what we put ON our bodies also affects our overall health & wellness?

Whatever we put on our bodies gets absorbed into the bloodstream so we have to stay mindful of this!

"not only is my hair hella nourished but I know exactly what I'm putting in it"

I love Carina Organics because not only is my hair hella nourished but I know exactly what I'm putting in it, non of which is toxic or harmful.

The base of their ingredients is essential oils, which is phenomenal.

And if you are someone who is sensitive to scents, DON'T WORRY they have unscented products too!

But secretly, I'm obsessed with the sweet pea hehe.

OH! and their leave-in conditioner is perfect to help with the tips of your hair. If you're like me, and your hair starts to dry out at the end first, this is a LIFESAVER.

There's a few things you should avoid...


There's a few things you should avoid when choosing hair products:

-SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) > carcinogenic (cancer causing) & may cause liver damage

-Polysorbates > can throw off our body's natural pH levels as well as disrupt our microbiome (natural protective layer of our skin & hair)

-PEGs (polyethelyne glycol) > contains dioxins which is highly carcinogenic

-Dyes > endocrine disrupting as well as an irritant

-Fragrance > not only does this clog the lymphatic system and disrupt our endocrine system, but it also is toxic to our organs

Did you know...

Did you know that "fragrance" on a label can be one or even thousands of toxic chemicals? all those perfumes you paid tons of money for? You should probably get rid of them.

There's TONS of resources the Environmental Working Group gives to the public about avoiding toxins!

Next time your choosing your hair care, be more mindful & love your body enough to make the better choice!


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