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How an MD cured all his covid patients naturally.

If you've been following my journey for a while now, you will know that I've not had the greatest experience with the medical system. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for the medical system, as it's saved my life in the past.

Unfortunately, just like any other profitable organization, comes corruption...I mean the evidence is there. The censorship online about not so profitable cures, protocols, and prevention is getting censored.

Did you know that #sun has been hidden from instagram?

Tell me how the HELL that goes against community guidelines instagram? Unless the same person who's funding you (no pun intended haha), also funds the pharmaceutical companies and you're trying to have the public FORCED into take vitamin D supplements?


I know you wanna know about the conversation I had with Dr. C! I will be keeping his name confidential as many of the doctors who've talked about natural cures have been put into danger...I'm willing to risk this for myself, to help you all.

I'm sure you've heard about hydroxychoriquine and zinc being a more natural cure.

These things have also been banned in some hospitals! Can you believe it?!

If you haven't, probably because these things are being censored on the internet, even MDs exposing it are being attacked, censored, some even losing their licenses (for CURING people...WTF!!!).

You can see the video I'm referring to here.

Now Dr C has told me that he used the following supplements to cure his covid patients in therapeutic dosages:

Zinc ~ approximately 200mg/day.

Vitamin C ~ 1g every 2hrs.

Vitamin D ~ I can't remember the dosage of this one but I know therapeutically it can be 5,000 IU - 10,000 IU daily. (this is a therapeutic dose shouldn't be taken in such high quantities for extended period of time).

EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) ~ this is a potent antioxidant found in green tea; also a polyphenol

Quercetin ~ contains polyphenols.

Now, polyphenols are molecular compounds that have been used to help prevent/fight diseases as well as cancers.

Do you know what else is a polyphenol? hydroxycholirquine!

Dr. C told me that EGCG & Quercetin in therapeutic doses are the natural alternatives for hydroxycholorquine, now looking into the molecular composition I see why!

I've attached a study here that further explains polyphenols in regards to covid.

This photo is for all my haters...I study for fun. So I find it hilarious when ya'll tell me "educate yourself".

Now not only did having this conversation with Dr. C, ease the little anxiety I still had in regards to covid. But it also truly gave me hope in the medical system. There still are good people who truly care about their patients' well -being and want to heal them.

Money isn't the driving force for all people, only the corrupt ones who think money is more important than saving a life...or lives.

Do your own research, not everything we hear and see is true.

Remember who funds these organizations. The pharmaceutical company would go under if doctors weren't meeting their medication quotas, doctors are controlled by unions that tell them how to treat people, even if it risks doing more harm than good ~ they can lose their licenses if they talk about certain things.

Why is it that doctors don't learn about nutrition in their years of schooling? Because the pharmaceutical companies wouldn't make money.

And don't forget, that Dr. Anthony Fauci owns many patents for specific disease treatments ~ aka man makes money from sick people, so why would he want them to be healthy?

Did you also know coronavirus is patented?!

Patents can only be applied to MAN-MADE things....

And let's not forget that Moderna, the company creating the covid vaccine is a TECH company & they're funded by, you guessed it, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

What's that saying again? "money is the root of all evil".

I hope this inspires you to look into things without making a drastic decisions out of fear. Everything is not as it seems...


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