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How concerned should we be about the COVID-19 (corona virus)?

This virus has been all over the headlines and has been declared a global pandemic.

Needless to say, the general public has become concerned about their health.

But how concerned should we REALLY be about the corona virus?

Well first, what is COVID-19 exactly?

Corona viruses are a group of viruses which may cause sickness in the form of respiratory infections along with cold & flu symptoms in animals or humans. COVID-19 is one of these.

Why is it spreading so fast?

Because someone can be a carrier before symptoms start to arise.

Should we be concerned about this pandemic?

Yes & no.

We must be aware that this is a real and take precaution if we want to avoid contracting the virus ourselves, just like any other flu.

If you don't have any underlying health conditions you shouldn't be overly concerned, but still take precaution.

You can take general precaution through:

-hand washing frequently

-frequent sanitizing

-cough/sneeze into elbow

-avoid travel

-stay home if feeling unwell

-increase fruit and vegetable consumption - high antioxidant content

-lots of dark leafy greens - high in vitamins & minerals

-bone broth - contain minerals to enhance immune function

Those who should take EXTRA precaution are the elderly, children, pregnant women, those with underlying health conditions especially if your immune system is compromised.

Extra precaution can be taken through:

-wearing a mask in public places

-probiotics (25-100 billion); the higher does the better

-vitamin D (up to 5000IU/day)

-vitamin C (2000-5000mg/day divided doses)

-oregano oil (2-5 drops/day)

*always consult your doctor or health care practitioner before taking any new supplements or starting a new diet*


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