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I got 99 problems & the diva cup solved most of them

When I was in school for holistic nutrition, we had to do a project for our nutrition in the environment class.

I made the crazy decision to do it on feminine hygiene products, and ever since, my mindset has changed on products I use monthly.

First of all, let's get into the female anatomy shall we?

The vagina is one of the most absorbent body parts, basically whatever we put in it, quickly reaches our bloodstream. So we need to be VERY careful as to what we are putting inside or outside of it, when we are on our period.

What's in conventional feminine hygiene products?!

DIOXIN - a chlorine compound, used in bleaching process, has been labelled as a carcinogen (cancer causing) by the WHO. Even in the smallest amounts can be detrimental to one's health.

RAYON - tiny wood chips. Yes, WOOD CHIPS! Crazy, right?! Something similar to saw dust particles, they mix with the cotton to make tampons.

If we critically think for a second....ladies, ever take out a tampon and feel discomfort? You can thank the rayon for that.

The rayon can cause abrasions in the vagina. This can be extremely toxic to a women's health as, like I previously mentioned, this is an extremely absorbent body part, which can lead to bacterial infections through these abrasions.

FRAGRANCE -the word fragrance can mean over 2000+ different chemicals. First of all, I didn't even KNOW this was a thing until I started researching. I don't know about you, but I don't feel comfortable knowing my vagina could possibly be absorbing God knows how many chemicals to make this "fragrance". Also if there's a bad small coming from down there, you should probably think about removing sugar from the diet and go get that checked out.

PS raw organic coconut oil kills bacteria're welcome.

Now as soon as I learned all of this I switched to organic all natural tampons. As much as I felt like my worries had gone away, it was getting expensive...not to mention Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) can still occur as bacteria are still able to grow in wet environment (ie. on a tampon in the vagina).

Here was my other problem, going to the washroom and try to keep the tampon dry was a challenge as I drink lots of fluids...remember when I said it was getting expensive? Yup...also this can get very messy, the string getting dirty can go up inside of you into the other end of the tampon.


This literally changed my life, and felt like every problem I had was gone.

Here's why:

  1. Only gotta rinse it out every 12hours ~ so basically when you wake up and before you go to bed. *TIP* easy in the shower.


  3. No leaks!

  4. You can put it in before your'e period comes ~ this is helpful for those irregular periods so you don't get a messy surprise.

  5. Ever worried the string will hang out your shorts? SAME. don't have this problem with the diva cup.

  6. Nothing absorbs into your vagina - keeping her squeaky clean.

  7. WAY better for the environment...and your budget.

I'm telling you, once you get past finding a comfortable way to insert it, you're life will LITERALLY change fore the better!

Now go slay, Queen, without any distractions.

You're welcome.


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