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Non-Toxic Hair Colour

People change their hair for so many reasons.

The greys start showing, you want to have your hair a colour that impossible to reach naturally, you wanna try a new look, went through a tough breakup, whatever it may be!

If you wanna change your hair do it!

But do so with caution.

Why do I say that?

Do you know how many toxic chemicals are in hair dye? More than we can know.

Let me give you an example.

You know that word "fragrance" on a label?

In Canada, that means there can be up to 2000 ingredients that make up "fragrance" and the company doesn't have to disclose what they are.

Have you ever bleached your hair before dying it?

Bleach drying out your hair is the least of your problems.

Think about it, if on the outside it is drying out your hair, imagine what it's doing inside of your body.

You're probably thinking I'm crazy to say all of this because you aren't ingesting the products right?


What you put on your body topically gets absorbed directly into your blood stream & has to get filtered out of the system via the liver.

This can lead to hormone imbalances, toxic buildup, digestive imbalances, mood imbalances, and so much more!

Do you really wanna risk that?

Now I'm not here to scare you.

Simply wanna educate & give you alternative solutions so you can make an educated decision for yourself.

If you're not already aware, my red hair isn't natural (some people think its natural thats why I'm clarifying now haha).

So how does someone with an autoimmune condition of the LIVER colour their hair safely?

I use a naturally derived hair dye that ISN'T permanent.

If you purchase a natural hair dye that isn't henna based and is permanent, it's likely that the "natural" label is just marketing.

The brand I like to use is Herbatint, they have quite the range of colours, and the colour is naturally derived from plants.

I think its also important to mention that it costs about $15 in comparison to salon prices around $200+.

If you're clumsy like me & worried about making a mess. Just know that natural dye comes out of things eventually so you really won't permanently stain anything.

My hair is naturally brown, and the red still radiates without me having to bleach my hair.

The box tells me to leave it in for 45mins but I keep the dye on my hair for closer to 2hrs just to make sure I don't have brown peaking out.

Not something I'm concerned about doing considering it contains naturally derived ingredients.

Personally I don't plan on ever bleaching my hair for my own personal health.

But if you're the type of person who wants to naturally lighten their hair colour, you can do this simply by using a spray bottle, lightly dampen your hair with lemon juice and then the sun will naturally lighten it over time (I don't recommend doing this with any other products in your hair or even with hair dye in).

So please be mindful before ignorantly putting something on your body because a lot of the time it can be harmful.

I just want to make it clear that the same goes for anything we put on our skin.

For more information about different personal care products & how they affect our

body as well as our environment.

Check out the Environmental Working Group's Website.


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