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Staying healthy under our mandatory masks

Some cities are now requiring face coverings in some public places.

We are being told by the media that the only way to avoid this virus is by literally not allowing anything to come in contact with our immune systems ~ so social distance, wear a mask, stay inside.

So unfortunately there has been a lot of confusion in regards to what we should and shouldn't be doing to keep ourselves and others safe.

But have we forgotten that our environment and people around us are what helps build immunity? Because humans are meant to adapt to our surroundings.

We have to always be proactive with our health.

We can't wait for ourselves to get sick before changing our habits.

If we are proactive with our health, our bodies will have no problem fighting off viruses, infections, toxins, etc if we happen to come in contact with them.

The sun ~ naturally helps our body create vitamin D a nutrient that many of us lack (especially in Canada), because some places don't get as much sun exposure or it's cold outside so we stay indoors.

Exposure to the sun for 20mins will help us make our recommended amount of daily vitamin D ~ remember the more skin exposed to the sun, the better.

Nature ~ gives us OXYGEN the essential molecules our bodies require to breathe, required to deliver nutrients throughout the body via the blood stream, as well as removing toxins, bacteria, and viruses. OH! and to breathe because lungs seem to be the organ that takes the biggest hit with this virus.

It has come to my understanding that a healthy person wearing a face covering can actually be harmful to them, as breathing in your own carbon dioxide, and the bacteria from the breath on the covering can get into our lungs too.

As much as the face coverings may be helping reduce the spread from sick people to others...

How should people (healthy or sick) be proactively protecting themselves from breathing in more carbon dioxide and bacteria?

Whether we want to or not, the law is the law and we must abide. So I'm here to tell you how to protect yourself from the detrimental effects of covering your mouth for long periods of time.

Oregano Oil / Black Seed Oil

~ Both have antibacterial, antiviral, and antibiotic properties.


~This helps maintain our healthy gut bacteria that is crucial for our immune system; we need to replenish the healthy gut bacteria that antibiotics also take out

~Can be taken as a supplement or through fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, etc.

Liver Support

~The liver is what filters out the toxins and chemicals from the body so it's really important we always support the liver especially during these times; as well as being able to properly digest nutrients that prevent us from getting sick.


~Fruits contain many antioxidants that support our immune system and fight viruses.

~Better to eat the whole fruits rather than juices.


~They contain essential minerals that are important for immune system.

Foods to avoid

Refined sugars ~ suppress the immune system

Alcohol ~ hard on the liver, dehydrates the body (mineral loss).

Packaged Foods ~ additives do more harm than good to the body while suppressing the immune sugar as they're normally high in sugar.

Wear a mask but be mindful of your well-being too!

If you feel comfortable, when out in nature, try to avoid wearing the mask so you can really take in the healing properties of nature.

Stay safe & well friends, we're gonna get through this!


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