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The healing powers of honey

Honey, one of the most well-known natural sweeteners.

What is Raw Honey?

It's a natural sweetener that bees create by collecting nectar from flowers; it is pure, unpasteurized and unfiltered.

Why not just have the bear shaped honey from the supermarket?

Crazy enough, most honey you'll find is normally pasteurized, and it has been said that some "honey" is replaced by high-fructose corn-syrup. High fructose corn syrup is another can of worms I'm about to open...

High fructose corn syrup is an extremely processed form of fructose (a plant sugar).

It sounds good when I say plant sugar right? Well it's not.

Not only does it spike blood sugar like crazy, but it's so highly processed and so unnatural to the point where there's basically 0 nutritional value in it. It also is extremely hard on the liver to process. There have been several places I've read saying too much of this can contribute to illnesses such as diabetes and fatty liver disease.

On top of all it's deliciousness, it has MANY healing properties and benefits overall wellness.

Some healing properties of honey are:





-enhances immunity

Honey also contains the following:




-bee pollen

-bee propolis

What can it be used for?


-colds/sore throats

-wound healing



-face/hair masks


Next time you wanna pick up honey be mindful of what you're purchasing. Try to shop local raw honey from your region.

My favourite is Beekeepers Naturals, they carry a good line of honey, bee products, and other superfoods.


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