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Why I choose to skip breakfast….most of the time

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but is it really?

A lot of people especially in the city, will be shoving a bagel in their mouth during rush hour and washing it down with their boujee Starbucks drink.

Let me tell you how bad all of that is.

1. half the time we’re not even paying attention to what we’re eating

2. this is the perfect formula for spiked blood sugar levels

3. caffeine messes up digestion; it triggers the stomach to empty before the food is broken down fully

4. we’re likely stressed out; and to be honest our body can’t digest anything when its under stress, its one or the other

So on top of all that, why do I NOT eat breakfast?

Well, I do something called intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is when your body goes for an extended period of time without food. Mind you, I’ll still drink water (which is totally fine!).

Now, a lot of people intermittent fast solely to lose weight.

I’m not “a lot of people”.

I actually do it for how healing it is to the body.

Many of you know by now if you’ve read the ABOUT section of my website that I was diagnosed with Autoimmune Hepatitis some years ago, which is an autoimmune condition of the liver.


Now the reason I bring this up is because when you’re body is fasting, it gives your body a chance to heal. I truly believe this is why I’ve had such a smooth journey thus far. I don’t have a perfect diet 100% of the time and sometimes I enjoy a drink or 2 in social outings, and never once had a flare. I learned about intermittent fasting a couple years ago and I have been doing it pretty much ever since.

Now you’re probably asking, how do I do it?

Honestly it’s not as hard as it sounds, you don’t actually have to spend the day not eating !!

Now everyone’s different and this can be done at any time of the day. But how I like to do it is by having my last meal between 6-8pm and not eating the next day until 1-3pm that can be up to 21hrs total. and most of that time I’ll be sleeping or working so it doesn’t phase me.

But honestly, I normally do around 16hrs especially if I plan to work out that day.

Intermittent fasting good for weight loss as it trains the body to use fat as an energy source rather than carbohydrates or sugar.

But its also amazing for healing, immunity, increasing energy, and focus.

And I’ve found since I’ve begun intermittent fasting some time ago, that now I’m more mindful about what I put in my body. Now that my body is in a good state, when I don’t eat properly, I feel it in my energy levels, bloating etc.

Almost all of us could use a nice fast to give our bodies a break and to heal.

***Definitely want to run this by a doctor/practitioner if you’re thinking about trying it, especially if you have underlying health issues***


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