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Why I started a podcast

I never thought of myself as a creative person. Mind you, I don't mean that as a negative thing, I just recognize what I'm good at and what I'm not the best at.

A really good friend of mine, who's pretty much been there for me my entire wellness journey, told me 4 yrs ago to start a YouTube channel just to get my knowledge out there. After putting out a really shitty video (that maybe only a handful of people saw) I decided YouTube wasn't for me. Reason being, my editing skills are pretty much non-existent and trying to edit was stressing me out.

With my holistic view on things, I know stress isn't good for overall wellness, I couldn't continue with something that was stressing me out because it totally defeated the purpose of the message I was trying to get across.

I never valued myself over the amount of likes or followers I had, it was always about getting across my message to as many people as possible.

I started focusing on branding myself and being more consistent on my Instagram page.

Got advice from others who grew their audience and took all the constructive criticism I could get to heart and applied it.

I never valued myself over the amount of likes or followers I had, it was always about getting across my message to as many people as possible.

I just needed to set my negative thoughts aside and just start.

The same person who recommended YouTube to me, threw around the podcast idea to me this year. But I have to be honest, I brushed off the idea for a while because I related it to my YouTube flop, and thought it wouldn't be successful.

I really started thinking about what I wanted to do with my brand. If my goal was to get my message out to as many people as possible, I just needed to set my negative thoughts aside and just start.

My mindset has always been if you want something bad enough, you'll figure it out.

I decided I'm going to put everything into this podcast, have guests on every episode so I could expand my knowledge, network, and share my message to my following as well as the following of whoever is on my podcast.

I started investing in the best equipment for my podcast (huge shoutout to Matthew Santoro for advising me on what equipment I should invest in), I knew if I really invested in high-end equipment I would be completely committed to consistently releasing content. My mindset has always been if you want something bad enough, you'll figure it out. The investment wasn't easy, I was working 70+ hrs a week for a month so I could get everything I needed quickly so I could get the ball rolling.

My goal with the podcast is to just have relatable, simple, and raw conversations with different people, talk about REAL experiences, teach, learn, grow, and relate everything back to holistic health and wellness.

I know, what you're thinking...."tell me what the podcast is about!!"

Well !!

The podcast is everything to do with holistic health and wellness...duh! haha!

My guests are individuals who specialize in specific topics in the field, entrepreneurs, and simply people who've experienced different things that have to do with health and wellness whether it be body image, addiction, mental health, etc.

My goal with the podcast is to just have relatable, simple, and raw conversations with different people, talk about REAL experiences, teach, learn, grow, and relate everything back to holistic health and wellness.

I'm so excited and blessed to be releasing my first episode soon!

Thank you so much for taking this journey with me on the Fitlistic Wellness Podcast, I hope to inspire everyone who listens!!


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