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1 on 1
1 hour virtual holistic session

What’s Included:

  • Detailed 1hr call where we go over your customized protocol together & all your questions answered

  • Weekly 30min video call check-ins

  • Accountability coach

  • Full customized protocol (this will be tweaked weekly as necessary).

  • Unlimited contact via voice notes/text (questions, updates, etc)

  • Supplement recommendations.

  • Detailed lifestyle recommendations. 

  • You'll learn how to protect yourself and avoid these toxins.

  • Understanding how to recognize the signs that your body shows you every day can be challenging. I’ll guide you through this stage of your health journey, teaching you along the way how to realistically keep your unique body in balance.

  • Even if you don't have a current imbalance you'd like to learn more about prevention.

  • You're looking for holistic tips to incorporate into your lifestyle.

  • You aren't ready for a 3 month commitment.

What's Included:

  • Holistic diet & lifestyle advice based on your unique health & wellness goals

  • Better understanding of your body

  • Improved day-to-day life

  • Session notes




initial intake session will be $300 

Personalized full in-depth protocol & educational materials created just for you

3 Month Program

This program may be for you if you are serious about healing any of the following :


-Full body detox







-Weight loss/gain


-Chronic stress

-Chronic fatigue 


-Poor digestion

-Liver imbalance

-Autoimmune condition


What’s Included:

  • Detailed 1hr intro call where we go over your customized protocol together & all your questions answered

  • Weekly 30min video call check-ins

  • Accountability coach

  • Full customized protocol (this will be tweaked weekly as necessary).

  • Unlimited contact via voice notes/text (questions, updates, etc)

  • Supplement recommendations.

  • Detailed lifestyle recommendations. 

  • You'll learn how to protect yourself and avoid these toxins.

  • Understanding how to recognize the signs that your body shows you every day can be challenging. I’ll guide you through this stage of your health journey, teaching you along the way how to realistically keep your unique body in balance.

  • A FREE copy of “Holistic Plant Based Recipes That You Wouldn't Believe Are Plant Based” E-book. (this will give you some recipe ideas!)


  • A better understanding of your body!


Payment Plans Available

I'm committed to my health & want to book my FREE intro call

3 Month Program

This program may be for you if you are serious about healing any of the following :


-Full body detox







-Weight loss/gain


-Chronic stress

-Chronic fatigue 


-Poor digestion

-Liver imbalance

-Autoimmune condition


What’s Included:

  • Detailed 1hr intro call where we go over your customized protocol together & all your questions answered

  • Weekly 30min video call check-ins

  • Accountability coach

  • Full customized protocol (this will be tweaked weekly as necessary).

  • Unlimited contact via voice notes/text (questions, updates, etc)

  • Supplement recommendations.

  • Detailed lifestyle recommendations. 

  • You'll learn how to protect yourself and avoid these toxins.

  • Understanding how to recognize the signs that your body shows you every day can be challenging. I’ll guide you through this stage of your health journey, teaching you along the way how to realistically keep your unique body in balance.

  • A FREE copy of “Holistic Plant Based Recipes That You Wouldn't Believe Are Plant Based” E-book. (this will give you some recipe ideas!)


  • A better understanding of your body!


Payment Plans Available

I'm committed to my health & want to book my FREE intro call


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